I Enjoy many kinds of music - from classical to metal, from classic rock to techno. I also enjoy combining my computer with music in various ways.
Some of my favorite bands are:
SummoningThis Austrian duo plays black metal, with lyrics by J.R.R. Tolkien (Lord of the Rings)
Blind GuardianArguably Germany's best metal band, they play melodic power metal
Apoptygma BerzerkGothic techno / industrial dance out of northern Europe
Funker VogtGerman techno / militant industrial music
"Weird Al" YankovicWell known parody/comedy person - USA
SkycladProbably the most unique music I've ever heard - UK
I am trying to teach myself guitar... My axe is a B.C. Rich Warlock, Platinum series. I can't play much more than a few simple tunes yet, but I'm having a blast!
I am also working on a program which plays Music Macro Language (like QBasic's PLAY) files through the PC internal speaker.
It was originally intended to play .MUS soundfiles from the HP95LX palmtop on desktop systems, however it also runs on the HP200LX.

Last updated 2002-12-26