Here are some pictures:

These are photos of me:

And my guitar:

For a screenshot of my desktop (as it was), click here (beware: 2048x1536)
Here are some odd / humourous Diablo2 moments: linked due to size (several 800x600)
These are nametags I use on BBSs:
If two tags in a row are the same picture, they are in different formats. The first is jpg, at about 25k each; the second is the original png.
Demons and (un?)dead
Various skulls (best on darker backgrounds)
Transformers logos :-)
Gir from Invader Zim
Other logos, bands, album covers, etc
These are by MattQG:
Avatars: ZombieMeep and a couple Daemon Meeps from everyone's favorite meepman! :-)
Remember the Transformers? Dinobots rock! Me Grimlock like tag!
Matt's entry in the Fantasy Cave May 2002 tag contest... great use of QfG4 monsters!

These I made for myself:
My "dead hero" series
QfG2. 2nd one took a lot of work to extract from a screenshot
QfG4. I like the wolf especially - isn't he cute? ;-)
GIMPified screenshots / images One of (if not the) first tags I made using the GIMP - as you can see, I wasn't exactly up to expert level yet ;-) Turned out quite nice anyways though. I made this for a tag contest on Kelly Kat's board
The cave in QfG4 - one of my first GIMP tags, and the winning entry for the December 2000 Quest for Glory Screenshot contest at MattQG's board :-D I like how the lighting effects work together to create that EVIL look :-)
The planet Phleebhut from SQ3. Tried a couple new effects on this, mostly playing with the flare and 16 color EGA to truecolor conversion
Happy psychadelic man-eating SQ2 mushrooms :-) It's actually quite an enjoyable job making the mushrooms grin like that, too bad it has long-term health risks ;-p
This one I also made for I contest, but I forget when or where :-o I like how the foggy/autumn look came out, though the text is a bit hard to see due to the light font
I made this one for the Lair's Rites of Rulership contest... too bad the rules weren't very clear to me at the time ;-) In case you're wondering, the person pictured is a Druid (borrowed from from Diablo2 (one of my favorite games), and the background is from Tierra's VGA KQ1 remake
My entry for the September 2002 BD contest (the theme was Nature)
My entry for the September 2002 Duchy contest (the theme was Space)

These are by Oktariina:
From a Might and Magic game
These are based on the same Might and Magic screenshot
Aren't those seals just precious? :-)
A first attempt at a demonic tag. Came out rather well, don't you think?

These are by Lira Lindriel:
Somethings watch in the dark... love that font!
Another great tag :-) Nice gothic font

By Shanra:
Very nice scene... so dark and tranquil... with trees!
Deep space photo... very pretty! :-)

These are by Firey Tiger (aka TMN):
Gir, from the cartoon series Invader Zim... isn't he cute? ;-)
Another great Gir tag :-)

This one is by Kelly Kat:
Nice QfG5 images in this one

By Winlok:
Got this as a present for my 20th birthday. Thanks! :-)

By the great Leonardo 007:
This is a going-away present I got from Leo before he had to leave for the army. From the Gold Collection (can you tell? ;-))

These are by Rawis:
Tolkien rules! :-)
Gotta love that Lord Soth!
An AD&D dracolich - impressive, eh?

These are by mikeyben:
A very straight-forward no-nonsense tag (with my name on :-))
Pizza! How thoughtful! :-)

This one is by Kitielover900:
A very nice dragon tag. Got that whole "world serpent" thing going on :-D

These are the creations of the famous adeyke:
QfG4: Avoozl arises! Better avoid the strong stuff next time ;-)
KQ4: The Old Oak Hanging Tree. I love how the gravestones turned out... and the forest looks much darker in this tag than while actually playing. Well placed flare too! :-)
SQ3: How Pleebhut should look (guess those extra 16777200 colors are good for something after all, eh? ;-))
QfG1N: Psychadelic fairy mushroom ring remake. I love that pinkish color on the borders - gives it that nice surreal touch
QfG1O: Psychadelic fairy mushroom ring. The colors are much darker on this one - more of a nighttime feel to it
QfG2: Cool underground stream (pun intended)
QfG3: Bow to the Demon Lord!
KQ1: The Dragon's watching you...
KQ5: The witch's dark forest keep. I *really* love this one... so dark, with those vivid glowing colors - This may well be my favorite adeyke tag
KQ6: The Land of the Dead. The colors really enhance the mood of this one
SQ4: Very Warlhol-esque, eh?
PQ1: Behold the holy trash receptacle. Warhol-esque, innit?
SQ5: A mushroom forest. Nice 'slimy'/sludge text on this one
LB1: Eerie, this garden in the Louisiana swamp... dark old mansions are spooky even without murder mysteries
LB2: A museum exhibit. Gotta love them kniggets!
SQ1: The Orat's cave. Thankfully, he isn't home
CotLB: A beautiful willow grove. I love how the sunbeams turned out
CoC: A fallen warrior resting against a rock in the Black Knight's forest

These are tags I've made for other people.
For Oktariina:
Okie asked for a mermaid tag so I made this for her :-) I also entered it in a contest on MattQG's board, didn't win though :-/

For cajun4lifeXP:
Since Cajun was none too happy about his lack of tags, I thought this might cheer him up :-) It's based on the chapel in LB1 (Louisiana swamp... cajun... get it? *groan*)

For Lira Lindriel:
This is my (winning :-)) entry for the May 2002 nametag contest at the Fantasy Cave. I call it "The Magic of Sunrise"

For Shanra:
I made this one for Kittielover's nametag contest in May 2002. Why use just one of the images when you can use both? ;-)
A birthday present :-)

For Firey Tiger (aka TMN):
I made this one for the June nametag contest at the Fantasy Cave in 2002. Kind of a quickie, but rather a nice look, eh?

And here are some 'awards' I've received:
Got this for locating a simulated earthquake for my ER140 Geology class
Your Popecard - Don't leave home without it!
What my computer does when bored...
...I think it has too much time on its hands
...Or lots of friends ;-)
Must be lots of really bored friends ;-D
Or, it really believes in what it does
It's a very dedicated computer ;-)
Most likely, a very dedicated computer with lots of dedicated friends
Definitely lots of friends AND too much time on its hands

Here are the logos of organizations I belong to:

These are graphics for use on my ezboard:

And here's some button-style images:

Some images are copied from or based on the work of others. No copyright infringement is intended; these works are meant as a tribute.
If one of these images is (based on) yours and you object to my use of it, please email me at and I'll promptly remove it.
Last updated 2004-08-10